Hi Friends 👋,

Welcome To Infinitbility! ❤️

To make a string empty in javascript, assign the "" empty string to the variable. it will remove the previous value and store a new value which is a string.

Today, I’m going to show you How do I make a string empty in javascript, as mentioned above, I’m going to create a sample string variable then I will assign an empty string to make the string variable empty.

Let’s start today’s tutorial on how do you make a string empty in javascript.

Javascript makes a string empty

Here, we will do

  1. Create a sample string variable with data.
  2. assign an empty string to the variable
// Create sample string variable with data.
let str = "infintbility";

console.log("Result 1: ", str)

// assign an empty string to the variable
str = "";

console.log("Result 2: ", str)


I hope it helps you, All the best 👍.