Hi Friends 👋,

Welcome To Infinitbility! ❤️

To separate vowels and consonants in a string in javascript, use the match() method with /[aeiou]/gi regex it is the simplest way to separate vowels and consonants from a string.

Today, I’m going to show you How do I separate vowels and consonants in a string in javascript, as mentioned above, I’m going to create a sample string variable with data and use the match() method with /[aeiou]/gi regex to separate vowels and consonants.

Let’s start today’s tutorial on how do you separate vowels and consonants in a string in javascript.

Javascript separates vowels and consonants in a string

Here, we will do

  1. Create a sample string variable
  2. Separate vowels from a string
  3. Make vowels array into comma separate string
  4. Remove commas from comma-separate vowels
  5. Separate consonants from string
  6. Make consonants array into comma separate string
  7. Remove commas from comma-separate consonants
// Create a sample string variable
const str = "infinitbility"; 

// Separate vowels from string
const vowels = str.match(/[aeiou]/gi);
console.log("vowels     :", vowels)
// vowels     : [ 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i' ]

// Make vowels array into comma separate string
console.log("vowels as string:", vowels.join())
// vowels as string: i,i,i,i,i

// Remove commas from comma separate vowels
console.log("vowels as string without comma:", vowels.join().replace(/[,]/g, ""))
// vowels as string without comma: iiiii

// Separate consonants from string
const consonants = str.match(/[^aeiou]/gi);
console.log("consonants :", consonants)
// consonants : [
//   'n', 'f', 'n',
//   't', 'b', 'l',
//   't', 'y'
// ]

// Make consonants array into comma separate string
console.log("consonants as string:", consonants.join())
// consonants as string: n,f,n,t,b,l,t,y

// Remove commas from comma separate consonants
console.log("consonants as string without comma:", consonants.join().replace(/[,]/g, ""))
// consonants as string without comma: nfntblty


I hope it helps you, All the best 👍.