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This article will help to clean the cache of your react native project, hear we will see how to clear cache in android and ios.
Let start today article How to clean cache in react native
When we are run any react native project or build any apk or IPA it will create cache for improving our performance but sometimes we solved any issue but react-native showing errors due to cache i.e react native provide commands to clean and steps clean cache.
Clear cache Android commands
Check the below commands and use them as per your environment for android.
- React Native clear cache
npx react-native start --reset-cache
- npm clear cache
npm start -- --reset-cache
- Expo clear cache
expo start -c
Clear cache xcode
- Open your project in Xcode using your project/ios/project.xcodeworkspace
- check your menu ( navigation ) and find the product menu.
- click on Clean Build Folder menu
Need more common commands which use react native developer visit:-
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