Extract number from string in typescript

To extract a number from a string in typescript, use the match() method with the /\d+/g regex it will find all numbers from the string and return as an array of numbers.

const REGEX = /\d+/g;

let sampleString: string = "#div-name-1234-characteristic:561613213213";

let arrOfNumber: Array<number> = sampleString.match(REGEX);

// 👇️ [ '1234', '561613213213' ]

Today, I’m going to show you How to i extract a number from a string in typescript, as mentioned above, I’m going to use the use match() and join() method with /\d+/g regex to extract numbers from string and convert in digits.

Let’s start today’s tutorial how do you extract numbers from the string in typescript?

In this example, we will do

  1. extract number from string
  2. got extracted array of numbers and convert it a single string
  3. convert string to digits


const REGEX = /\d+/g;

let sampleString: string = "#div-name-1234-characteristic:561613213213";

let arrOfNumber: Array<number> = sampleString.match(REGEX);

// 👇️ [ '1234', '561613213213' ]

let numStr: string = arrOfNumber.join('');

// 👇️ '1234561613213213'

let num: number = +numStr;

// 👇️ 1234561613213213

In the above code example, we will do all steps separately but if you want to sort the version of the code look following code.

const REGEX = /\d+/g;

let sampleString: string = "#div-name-1234-characteristic:561613213213";

let num: number = +sampleString.match(REGEX).join('');
// 👇️ 1234561613213213

I hope it helps you, All the best 👍.