how to get string length in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To get string length in react native, just use the length after your text string, it will return the char count of the string. Like the following example, we can get a count of strings in to react native. "Infinitbility".length; // 13 Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i get string length in react native, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use length to get string length....

June 23, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to replace string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To replace a string in react native, just use the replace() method for replacing the first occurrence and replaceAll() for replacing all occurrences. Like the following example, we can replace a string with any string or empty ( blank ). "Hello Infinitbility".replace("Hello", "Hi"); // 'Hi Infinitbility' "Hello Infinitbility".replaceAll("i", "-"); // 'Hello Inf-n-tb-l-ty' Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i replace strings in react native based on their occurrence, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use the replace() and replaceAll() method for replacing strings....

June 23, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to convert string to json in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To convert a string to JSON in react native, just use the JSON.parse() method it will return a JSON object based on the string. Like the following example, we can convert strings to JSON objects, and also we can use their property. convert object string to json object const jsonStr = '{"name":"Infinitbility","gender":"male"}'; const jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr); console.log(jsonObj); // {name: 'Infinitbility', gender: 'male'} console.log(; // Infinitbility convert array of object string to json array of object const jsonStr = '[{"name":"Infinitbility","gender":"male"}]'; const jsonObj = JSON....

June 22, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to return a string from function in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To use string from function in react native, just use the like ${function()}/hello syntax to call a function and concat in a string. Like the following example, we can create a function that return a string and uses a function in a react native render function. const getLink= () => { const url = '' return url; } const link = `${getLink()}about`; // https://infinitbility....

June 22, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to convert boolean to string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To convert boolean to string in react native, just use the toString() method to convert boolean to string. Like the following example, we can convert boolean variable data to a string. const x = true; console.log(x.toString()); // Output // "true" Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i convert boolean to string react native, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use the toString() method to convert boolean data to a string....

June 21, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to convert string to date in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To convert string to date in react native, just use the new Date() method to convert string to date object. Like the following example, we can convert string to date object, and also we can date inbuilt methods after converting. const str = "2022-06-21"; const date = new Date(str); console.log(date); // Output // Tue Jun 21 2022 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i convert string to date react native, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use the new Date() method to convert string to date....

June 21, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to check string contains substring in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To check the string contains a substring in react native, we can use the includes() method it will return true if find a substring in a string. Like the following example, we can check string contains a specific word or not using the includes() method. "Hi infinitbility".includes("infinitbility"); // true Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i check whether a string contains another string react native, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use the includes() method to check string contains substring or not....

June 20, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to convert array to string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To convert an array to a string in react native, we can use the toString() method to convert an array to a string but if want to convert an array of objects into a string you have to use the JSON.stringify() method else it will show something like "[object Object]". Like the following example, we can convert array to string useing toString() and JSON....

June 20, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to concat string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To concat string in react native, just use the + plus operator it will concatenate two strings and show on the screen. Today, I鈥檓 going to show you how do i append strings in another string in react native, as above mentioned we will use + plus operator to concatenate strings. Let鈥檚 start today鈥檚 topic how to concat string in react native? Here we will see an example of showing two state strings in a single text using + plus operator to concat them....

June 19, 2022 路 1 min 路 Infinitbility

how to convert json object to array in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To convert the object to an array in react native, just use Object.entries() to iterate the object and use the map() method to create an array of objects. Basically, the Object.entries() method makes object key-value pair to an array of array, where every array has a key and value as an element of the array. like the following example. const x = { foo: 11, bar: 42 }; console....

June 19, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to convert string to int in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To convert String to int in react native, just use the Number() method to convert string to a number. Like the following example, we can convert string variable data to numbers (integer). const x = "134.34"; console.log(Number(x)); // Output // 134.34 Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i convert string to int react native, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use the Number() method to convert string data to number....

June 19, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to solve element type is invalid expected a string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To fix Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in. In this issue, You have to check your imported components and change as per exported in your project. Today, I鈥檓 going to show how do I fix the element type is invalid expected a string in react native, here we will take two cases of this issue that cause this error....

June 19, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to split string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To split string in react native, just use the split(",") method to split string by comma. Like the following example, we can split a string with a comma, space, or split every char like the below example. "infinitbility,aguidehub".split(","); // ["infinitbility","aguidehub"] "infinitbility aguidehub".split(" "); // ["infinitbility","aguidehub"] "infinitbility".split(""); // ['i', 'n', 'f', 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'b', 'i', 'l', 'i', 't', 'y'] Today, I鈥檓 going to show you How do i split strings in react native, as above mentioned here, I鈥檓 going to use the split() method to convert string to array....

June 19, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to get key and value from json array of object in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To get keys and values from a JSON array of objects in react native, use the map() to iterate and Object.keys() to get the keys of an object using both methods we are able to iterate and use keys and values of JSON array of objects. Today, I鈥檓 going to show How do I get keys and values from a JSON array of objects in react native, here I will use the javascript map() and Object....

June 18, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to remove the last character from a string in react native?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To remove the last character from a string in react native, use the slice(0, -1) method it will remove the last character of your string. The slice() method returns a shallow copy of a portion of a string into a new string selected from start to end (end not included) where start and end represent the index of items in that array. The original array will not be modified....

June 18, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to get number of days between two dates in moment js?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To get the number of days between two dates in moment js, use the diff() method with days to get the difference in a day. Just import a moment in your file and call a.diff(b, 'days') and it will return the difference of dates in a day. a.diff(b, 'days') Today, I鈥檓 going to show How do I get a number of days between two dates using moment js, here I will use the momentjs standard method moment() and diff() for a number of days between two dates....

June 17, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to get previous month in moment js?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To get the previous month in moment js, use the subtract(1, "month") method to subtract the month in date and use format('MMMM') to get the month name from subtracted date. Just import moment in your file and call moment().subtract(1, "month").format('MMMM') and it will return previous month. moment().subtract(1, "month").format('MMMM') Today, I鈥檓 going to show How do I get the previous month using moment js, here I will use the momentjs standard method subtract() and format() to get last month....

June 17, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to find the month name from the moment js date?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To get month name in moment js, use the moment().format() method by passing desire month format string parameters. Just import moment in your file and invoke moment().format('MMM'); it will show the current date time with the format. moment().format('MMM') Today, I鈥檓 going to show How do I get month from date using moment js, here I will use the momentjs standard method format() to find month name from the date object....

June 16, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

How to get first and last date of month in moment js?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To get month name in moment js, use the startOf('month') method to get month starting date and endOf('month') to get ending date of the month. Just import moment in your file and call startOf('month') and endOf('month') with moment() date, it will return first and last date of the month. const startOfMonth = moment().startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'); const endOfMonth = moment().endOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'); Today, I鈥檓 going to show How do I get first and last date of month using moment js, here I will use the momentjs standard method startOf() and endOf() to find first and last date of the month....

June 16, 2022 路 2 min 路 Infinitbility

how to format date in react js using moment?

Hi Friends 馃憢, Welcome To Infinitbility! 鉂わ笍 To format date in react js using moment, use the moment().format() method by passing desire format string parameters. Just import moment in your file and invoke moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss'); it will show the current date time with the format. moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss') Today, I鈥檓 going to show How do I format date in react js using moment, here I will use the momentjs standard method format() to format the date object....

June 15, 2022 路 3 min 路 Infinitbility