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React Native Asyncstorage - setItem()
React Native Asyncstorage - getItem()
React Native Asyncstorage - removeItem()

React native asyncstorage provide removeItem() method to remove stored value from asyncstorage, it will delete stored key value paired data in asyncstorage.

In this tutorial, we will learn to remove stored item in asyncstorage.

let start today’s tutorial How to delete item from AsyncStorage in react native?

React Native asyncstorage removeItem

To remove item from asyncstorage, React native asyncstorage provide removeItem() method, it will expect storage key and return status.

Check below examples to remove item from asyncstorage.

import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

const removeData = async () => {
    await AsyncStorage.removeItem('@storage_Key');

Thanks for reading…

if you get stuck, reach me at infinitbility@gmail.com