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Sometimes we faced Caching issues related to cache, config, view, and route. no effect of Hard and soft refresh. below you will learn how to clear cache from Laravel for all modules.
Caching configuration helps with combining all of the configuration options for your application into a single file which will be loaded quickly by the framework.
Clear Cache
Using Laravel’s Cache is a great way to speed up frequently accessed data in your application. While developing your application involving cache, it is important to know how to flush all cache correctly to test if your cache is working properly.
To clear your application cache, you may run the following Artisan command:
$ php artisan cache:clear
Application cache cleared!
This will clear all the cache data in storage which are typically stored in /storage/framework/cache/data/
. The effect is similar to calling the Cache::flush();
Facade method via code.
Clear Config
However, if you notice changes to the configuration values in .env
file is not reflecting on your application, you may want to consider clearing the configuration cache with the following command:
$ php artisan config:clear
Configuration cache cleared!
If you want to quickly reset your configuration cache after clearing them, you may instead run the following command:
$ php artisan config:cache
Configuration cache cleared!
Configuration cached successfully!
Caching your configuration will also help clear the current configuration cache. So it helps save your time without having to run both commands.
Clear Routes
Caching your routes will drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to register all of your application’s routes. When you add a new route, you will have to clear your route cache for the new route to take effect.
The following command will clear all route cache in your application:
$ php artisan route:clear
Route cache cleared!
To cache your routes again, simply run the following command:
$ php artisan route:cache
Route cache cleared!
Routes cached successfully!
Again, running the above command alone is enough to clear your previous route cache and rebuild a new one.
Clear View
Views are cached into compiled views to increase performance when a request is made. By default, Laravel will determine if the uncompiled view has been modified more recently than the compiled view, before deciding if it should recompile the view.
However, if for some reason your views are not reflecting recent changes, you may run the following command to clear all compiled views cache:
$ php artisan view:clear
Compiled views cleared!
In addition, Laravel also provides an Artisan command to precompile all of the views utilized by your application. Similarly, the command also clears the view cache before recompiling a new set of views:
$ php artisan view:cache
Compiled views cleared!
Blade templates cached successfully!
Clearing All Cache
Laravel provides a handy Artisan command that helps clear ALL the above caches that we have covered above. It is a convenient way to reset all cache in your application, without having to run multiple commands introduced before.
To clear all Laravel’s cache, just run the following command:
$ php artisan optimize:clear
Compiled views cleared!
Application cache cleared!
Route cache cleared!
Configuration cache cleared!
Compiled services and packages files removed!
Caches cleared successfully!
As you can read from the terminal feedback, all cache types that existed in your Laravel application will be cleared entirely, except Events cache.
Thanks for reading…
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