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React Native detox tutorial

1. React native detox example

2. React native detox multiple typeText crash issues

3. React native detox with react navigation example

4. react-native-date-picker detox example

5. react-native-otp-input detox example

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react-native-otp-input package not provides option to test by detox using testID but i have found some hack and i’m going to share with you guys.

Today, we will learn how we can test react-native-otp-input using detox in react native.

Lets start with code example.

describe('register flow', () => {
    it('should able to enter otp', async () => {
        await waitFor(element(by.id('OTPInputView'))).toExist();

        await element(by.text('').withAncestor(by.id('OTPInputView'))).atIndex(0).replaceText('1');
        await element(by.text('').withAncestor(by.id('OTPInputView'))).atIndex(0).replaceText('2');
        await element(by.text('').withAncestor(by.id('OTPInputView'))).atIndex(0).replaceText('3');
        await element(by.text('').withAncestor(by.id('OTPInputView'))).atIndex(0).replaceText('4');

In my case, i have a OTP input of 4 boxes you can also use for more then 4 boxes.

Thanks for reading…